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Bionix ear curettes

MICRO LOOP - green

Our four styles of curettes give you the most effective, safest, and economical way to remove cerumen - whatever the size of ear or consistency of cerumen you're dealing with. - Patient comfort: Metal curettes are cold, hard and sharp.lessen the risk of laceration. Latex free. - Effectiveness: Ear curettes can duplicate the effectiveness of metal curettes in almost any situation and their polypropylene composition makes them virtually unbreakable. - Disposability: Ear curettes don’t require expensive and time-consuming sterilization and eliminate the risk of cross-contamination. MICROLOOP: For impacted cerumen more rigid construction tip can be angled for added strength rounded tip for comfort 3 mm wide tip.

Item #: 67144
Unità di vendita: box of 50 pcs.
Quantitativi minimi: 1
NSIS: 215023/R
CND: L149004

€ 69,00
(€ 84,18 IVA Inclusa 22%)